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Research assistant Resume


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Reliable and dedicated professional with years in the field of                  cardiovascular research. Recognized for leadership skills, self-initiative, and exemplary work ethic. Possesses superior surgical skills. Co-developed NIH and pharmaceutical/ research protocols; engaged in manuscript preparation and presentation. Expertise in hiring, training, and supervising MD’s, PhD’s, graduate and undergraduate students. Detailed and proficient in all aspects of preclinical research.                                                                                             



// -         BS Degree in Basic Science/Psychology

//           University of Iowa

                        Iowa City, Iowa






//-Present   Rush University Medical Center

            Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology


            Research Assistant

Projects included:

  • Development and Initial Application of A Rat Model for Revision Joint Replacement

  • Use of a Selective Antibody to Enhance Intramembranous Bone Formation and Implant Fixation in the Rat Ovariectomized (OVX) model

  • Study of Stem Cell Mobilization to Enhance Bone Regeneration

  • Creation, follow Up, and finalization of IACUC Research Proposals as well as IRB documentation of same

  • In vivo radiographs of animals throughout studies

  • In vitro microCT scans of bones post mortem, reconstruction of regions of interest, and D representation of same.

  • Preparation of bones for embedding, cutting, and slide preparation (grinding, polishing), for use in dynamic histomorphometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and set up for various staining techniques.

  • Microscopic evaluation and quantification of specimen using osteomeasure, static and dynamic histomorphometry,  with fluorescence, and light microscopy.

  • Mentored Post Docs, Medical Students, Fellows, and Volunteers


//- //    Rush University Medical Center

        Department of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery


            Assistant Research Coordinator

Projects included:

  • Creation of a sheep model of ischemic heart failure using coronary artery microembolizations in order to test a new left ventricular assist device.

  • Development of mitral regurgitation in large animals.

  • Application of novel glucose biosensors to cardiovascular surgery.

  • Worked on a series of experiments using Doppler guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation in a canine model.

  • Ran training sessions for companies to explore differences between balloon catheters, drug eluting stents, and bare metal stents.

  • Tested out various catheter delivery systems.

  • Liased with medical device companies to prepare for studies using our site for training/teaching purposes, e.g., use of new gene therapy methodology.

  • Prepared budgets, submitted protocols, and filled out Internal Review Board forms.

  • Liased with medical device companies to prepare for studies using our site for training/teaching purposes.

  • Managed subordinate personnel.


//-      Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, IL

//     Interventional Cardiology


                    Research Assistant


  • Research involved assessment of preclinical medical devices, 

 working closely with R&D. Looked at the effect of percutaneous

 myocardial laser revascularization on left ventricular function in a model 

 of hibernating myocardium. Studied the effect of drugs on

 myocardial injury in a swine model of ischemia and reperfusion.


// -       Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, IL

//       Cardiology


                        Research Assistant I


  • Cardiovascular research efforts addressing septic shock. Protocols featured acute, as well as chronic preparations in swine and dogs; placement of Konigsberg pressure transducers in the apex of the left ventricle, sonomicrometer crystals, pulmonary, circumflex, and LAD flow probe placement, left atrial cannulation, and insertion of a pulmonary venous catheter, and aortic root cannula.                                          



// -         The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

/                Committee on Clinical Pharmacology


                        Chief Research Technologist


  • In charge of a cardiovascular research laboratory where investigations included the short and long term effects of experimental drugs on heart rate, blood pressure, renal, femoral, coronary and mesenteric blood flow, cardiac output, cardiac contractility, and cardioaccelerator nerve stimulation. Carried out all cardiovascular surgeries. The position also entailed supervision of technicians and graduate students, maintenance of equipment, planning and carrying out of research projects, presentation of papers at scientific meetings, and training of postdoctoral fellows.





  • FQ Almeda, D. Glock, J. Sanderelski, OA Ibrahim, JE Macioch, T Allen, JR Dainauskas, JE Parrillo, RJ Snell, GL Schaer: The effect of percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularization of left ventricular function in a porcine model of hibernating myocardium. Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine (), -.


  • Goldfarb RD, Parker TS, Levine DM, Glock D,  Akhter I, Alkudaria  A,  McCarthy R,  Gordon B R,Sall D, Rubin AL, Trenholme G, Parrillo JE :Protein free Phospholipid emulsion treatment improved cardio-pulmonary function and survival in a porcine sepsis . American Journal Of Physiology, Integrative and Regulatory Physiology . (): R-, Feb..


  • Goldfarb RD, Glock D, Akhter I, Parker T S, Levine DM, Gordon BR,  Rubin AL,  McCarthy R, Alkhudari A, Trenholme, GN, David EM,  Saal SD  Parrillo JE: Phospholipid rich emulsion improved survival in porcine model of sepsis. Am J Physiol Regul Integ & Comp Physio. Feb; (): R-. Epub , Oct. .


  • Goldfarb RD, Guynn T, Kumar A, Glock D, McCarthy R, Li K, Trenholme G, Parrrillo JE: A porcine model of peritonitis and bacteremia closely simulates human septic shock. Shock. Dec;():-.


  • Kohli JD, Horn PT, Glock D, Brewster WK, Nichols DE: Dihydrexidine: a new potent peripheral dopamine D receptor agonist. Eur J Pharmacol. Apr ;():-.


  • Aronson S, Goldberg LI, Glock D, Roth S, Moss J, Roizen MF: Effects of fenoldopam on renal blood flow and systemic hemodynamics during isoflurane anesthesia. J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. ; :-.


  • Aronson S, Goldberg LI, Roth S, Glock D, Moss J, Roizen MF: Preservation of renal blood flow during hypotension induced with fenoldopam in dogs. Can. J. Anaesth. ; ():-.


  • Lass NA, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Cardiovascular and renal hemodynamic effects of intravenous infusions of the selctive DA agonist, fenoldopam, used alone or in combination with dopamine and dobutamine. Circulation ; ( Pt ):-.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Relative DA-dopamine-receptor agonist and alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist activity of fenoldopam in the anesthetized dog. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol.; ():-


  • Riggs RM, Nichols DE, Foreman MM, Truex LL, Glock D, Kohli JD: Specific dopamine D- and DA properties of -(mono- and - dihydroxyphenyl)-,,,-tetrahydroisoquinoline and its tetrahydrothieno [,-c] pyridine analogue. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. ; ():-.


  • DeJesus OT, Van Moffaert GJ, Glock D, et al: Synthesis of a radiobrominated analog of SCH , a selective dopamine D antagonist. J. Label Compounds Radiopharm. ; /(-).


  • DeJesus OT, Van Moffaert GJ, Glock D, et al: Synthesis of a radiobrominated analog of SCH , a selective dopamine D antagonist. J. Label Compounds Radiopharm. ; /(-).


  • Barnett A, Ahn HS, Billard W, Gold EH, Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Relative activities of SCH and its analogs in three tests for DI/DA dopamine receptor antagonism. Eur. J. Pharmacol. ; ():-.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Bulbocapnine is not a selective DA receptor antagonist. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. ; ():-.


  • Goldberg LI, Kohli JD, Glock D: DA and DA dopamine receptors: Fyrther studies and clinical implications. In: Neuromodulation of Central and Peripheral Transmitter Function, “Symposia in Neuroscience”. (eds. G. Biggio, E. Costa) Liviana Press, Italy ().


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Effects of the enantiomers of -PPP on DA and DA dopamine receptors in the dog. Eur J. Pharmacol. ; ()-.


  • Nichols DE, Jacov JN, Hoffman AJ, Kohli JD, Glock D: C()-Methylation abolishes DA dopamine agonist activity of -amino-, -dihydroxyl-,,,-tetrahydronaphthalene (,-ADTN): steric intolerance by the receptor. J. Med. Chem. , Dec.; (): -.


  • Goldberg LI, Kohli JD, Glock D: Conclusive evidence for two subtypes of peripheral dopamine receptors. In: Dopaminergic Systems and their Regulation (eds. GN Woodruff JA Poar, PJ Roberts) MacMillan, London, ; -.


  • Goldberg LI, Kohli JD, Glock D: Complete separation of peripheral DA and DA receptors by selective antagonists. Clin. Neuropharmacol ; Suppl. I, :-.


  • Goldberg LI, Glock D, Kohli JD, Barnett A: Separation of peripheral dopamine receptors by a selective DA antagonist, SCH . Hypertension ; ( Pt ):-.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Selective DA versus DA, antagonist activity of domperidone in the periphery. Eur. J. Pharmacol. ; (-):-.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Differential antagonisms of postsynaptic (DA) and presynaptic (DA) peripheral dopamine receptors by substituted benzamides. Adv. Biochem. Psychopharmacol.; : -.


  • Grosso JA, Nichols DE, Kohli JD, Glock D: Synthesis of -(alkylamino)--- and --- dihydroxy-,-dihydroquinazolines and evaluation as potential dopamine agonists. J Med.Chem ; ():-


  • Jacob JN, Nichols DE, Kohli JD, Glock D: Dopamine agonist tetrahydroisiquinolines. J Med. Chem. ; ():-.


  • Lertora JJ., Glock D, Stec GP, Atkinson AJ, Jr., Goldberg LI: Effects of N-acetylprocainamide and  procainamide on myocardial contractile force, heart rate, and blood pressure. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol Med. ; ():-.


  • Glock D, Gauron EF, Rowley VN: Effects of methylphenidate on avoidance learning in the aged rat.  J  Gen Psychol ; (nd half):-.







  • R Higgins, D Glock, K Abe, A Perez-Tamayo, E Savage, J Dainauskas, M Piel, P. McMullin, B Galbut, C Kavinsky: Chronic congestive heart failure utilizing microembolization of the coronary circulation in sheep- lessons learned and future considerations. Rush Forum, Rush University Medical Center, .


  • FQ Almeda, D. Glock, J. Sanderelski, OA Ibrahim, JE Macioch, T Allen, JR Dainauskas, JE Parrillo, RJ Snell, GL Schaer: The effect of percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularization of left ventricular function in a porcine model of hibernating myocardium. Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine (), -.


  • FQ Almeda, D. Glock, J. Sanderelski, OA Ibrahim, JE Macioch, T Allen, JR Dainauskas, JE Parrillo, RJ Snell, GL Schaer: The effect of percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularization of left ventricular function in a porcine model of hibernating myocardium: A pilot study. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, May , (); : A-..


  • Yaacoub A, Glock D, Nichols DE, Kohli JD: Renal effects of intravenous dihydrexidine, a new selective DA dopamine receptor agonist in the dog. Clin. Res. ; ::A.


  • Gretler DD, Glock D, Murphy MB: Acute blood pressure reduction with fenoldopam and nitroprusside: Effects on coronary blood flow. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • Walker R, Wiencek JG, Zaroff J, Heidenreich P, Bilotta F, Glock D, Aronson S, Feinstein SB, Harper PV: Pitfalls in quantitation of contrast echo: Threshold effects. J. Am. Soc. Echocardiogr. ; in press.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Brewster WK, Noerzer T, Nichols DE: A new potent and selective DA (vascular) dopamine receptor agonist. Eur. J. Pharmcol. ; / (pp.).



  • Aronson S, Wiencek JG, Zaroff JG, Heidenreich PA, Glock D, Feinstein SB, Roizen MF: Assessment of renal blood flow in the dog with contrast ultrasound. Anesth. Analg. ; :S.


  • Kohli JD, Goldberg LI, Glock D, Clark BJ, Seiler MP: DY - (-)-, , a, , , b-hexahydro--methylindolo [, -ab]-phenanthridine, (CY), a benzergoline with DA dopamine receptor agonist activity. FASEB ; :A, #.


  • Heidenreich PA, Aronson S, Feinstein SB, Wiencek JG, Glock D, Zaroff G, Park T, Goldberg LI, Roizen MF, Harper PV: In vivo calculation of blood flow with contrast ultrasonography. Circulation ; :-.


  • Satoh Y, Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: DA dopamine receptor agonist potency of fenoldopam in the canine intra-arterial renal assay. FASEB ; :A, #.



  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI, Cannon JG: DA mediated renal vasodilation produced by TL- and TL- in the dog is unmasked by rauwolscine. FASEB ; :A, #.


  • Aronson S, Ross S, Glock D, Goldberg LI, Moss J, Roizen MF: Effects of fenoldopam on renal blood flow and systematic hemodynamics during isoflurane anesthesia in dogs. Anesthesiology ; :A.


  • Aronson S, Roth S, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Preservation of renal blood during controlled hypotension with fenoldopam. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • Kohli JD, Weinstock J, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Dopamine receptor activities of benzothiazol - one analogs of dopamine. Xth International Congress Pharmcol ; Abstract P.


  • Lass NA, Bakris GL, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Alpha-adrenoceptor contribution to renal vascular effects of low-dose dopamine. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • DeJesus OT, Van Moffaert GJ, Glock D, et al: Synthesis of a radiobrominated analog of SCH , a selective dopamine D antagonist. J.Label Compounds Radiopharm. ; /(-).


  • Metra M, Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Subtype of the dopamine (DA) receptor in the stellate ganglion of the dog. Fed. Proc. ; : #.


  • Goldberg LI, Kohli JD, Glock D: DA agonist versus alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist activity of fenoldopam in the dog. Fed. Proc. ; : #.


  • Murphy MB, Glock D, Lubbers NL, Goldberg LI: Effects of atrial natriuretic factor are independent of dopamine (DA) receptor activation. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • Lass N, Goldberg LI, Lubbers N, Glock D: Cardiac and renal vascular effects of the selective DA agonist, fenoldopam, alone and combined with dobutamine. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • Kohli JD, Glock D, Goldberg LI, et al: Analogs of SCH in physiological biochemical and ligand binding models of the dopamine (DA) receptor. Fed Proc. ; / (No. ).


  • Glock D, Kohli JD, Goldberg LI: DA antagonist activity of Lilly (trans- (+ or -)-, a, , , , , a, -octahydro- propyl -h-pyrazolo (, - g) quinolinedihydrochloride biochemical and ligand binding models of the dopamine (DA) receptor. Fed. Proc. ; / (No. ).


  • Kohli JD, Glock, Goldberg LI: Conclusive evidence for two subtypes of peripheral dopamine (DA) receptors. IUPHAR, th International Congress of Pharmacology, London, ; Abstract #.



  • Goldberg LI, Glock D, Kohli JD, Gerger J: Separation of peripheral DA receptors by a selective DA antagonist. Clin. Res. ; :A.


  • Goldberg LI, Kohli JD, Glock D: Peripheral dopamine receptor activity of the enantiomers of -(hydroxyphenyl)-N-n-propylpiperidine (-PPP). Fed. Proc. ; (): #.


  • Glock D, Kohli JD, Goldberg LI: Domperidone: A potent and highly selective DA, peripheral dopamine receptor, antagonist. Fed. Proc. ; /(No. ).


  • Glock D, Goldberg LI, Kohli JD: Differential peripheral dopamine (DA) receptor antagonism by intravenous injections (R)-and (S)-sulpride. Fed. Proc.; /().


  • Goldberg LI, Glock D, Kohli JD, McDermed J: Dopamine vascular activity of -dipropylamino-,-dihydroytetralin (diropyl-A-, -DTN). Fed Proc. ; /().


  • Glock D, Goldberg LI, Kohli JD: AHR- (-aminosulfonyl)-N-(-cyclohexyl--pyrolidinyl)- methoxybenzamide), a selective antagonist of the presynaptic dopamine receptor.

  • Lertora JJL, Glock D, Stec GP, et al: Effects on N-acetylprocainamide and procainamide on myocardial contractile force. Fed. Proc. ; /(No. ).


  • Glock D, Kohli JD, Goldberg LI: Substituted benzamides as antagonists of dopamine-induced renal vasodilation. Fed. Proc. ; /(No. ).


  • Kohli JD, Volkman PH, Glock D, Goldberg LI: Metoclopramide and sulpride: Antagonists of the vascular dopamine receptor. Fed. Proc. ; /(No. ).









  • Further Evidence Corroborating the Similarity of the DA Receptor.

    • FASEB Anaheim, California ()

    • Conclusive Evidence for Two Subtypes of Peripheral Dopamine (DA) Receptors.

    • th International Congress of Pharmacology

    • (IUPHAR) London, United Kingdom ()


  • DA Antagonist Activity of Lilly (trans-(+)-, a, , , , , a, -octahyfro--propyl-H-pyrazolo [, -g] quinoline dihydrochloride).

    • FASEB St. Louis, Missouri ()

    • Peripheral Dopamine (DA) Receptor Activity of the Enantiomers of -(-hydroxyphenyl)-N-n-propylpiperidine (-PPP).

    • FASEB Chicago, Illinois


  • Domperidone: A Potent and Highly Selective DA Peripheral Dopamine receptor Antagonist.

    • FASEB New Orleans, Louisiana ()


  • Differential Peripheral Dopamine receptor Antagonism by Intravenous Injections of (R) - and (S) - Sulpiride.

    • FASEB Atlanta, Georgia ()


  • AHR- (-aminosulfonyl)-N-(cyclohesyl- pyrrolidiny)- methoxybenzamide), a Selective Antagonists of the Presynaptic Dopamine Receptor.

    • FASEB Anaheim, California ()


  • Submitted Benzamides as Antagonists of DA-Induced Renal Vasodilation.

    • FASEB Dallas, Texas ()


  • Metoclopramide and Sulpiride: Antagonists of the Vascular DA Receptor.


  • Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB

    • FASEB Atlantic City, New Jersey ()